Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The downside of encouraging peer feedback and critique?
Court fails Toronto professor’s grading on a budget
Emily Senger, National Post
Published: Thursday, June 18, 2009
A University of Toronto professor who got students to grade their peers’ work has seen the practice blocked by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.
From George Siemens' e-Learning Resources and News:
Article: The $5,000 Approach to Teaching Writing
The $5,000 Approach to Teaching Writing
By Bob Kunzinger
The Chronicle of Higher Education
June 29, 2009
Article Med School 'Senioritis' - Learning outcomes and medical education
Inside Higher Ed
June 25, 2009
Last March, Washington and Lee University's Law School dean told Inside Higher Ed that, "We wouldn't dream of training doctors only from a book," as a justification for his then newly unveiled plan to transform the third year of law school with experiential courses. Well, medical schools may have taken the hint. In a study and corresponding editorial published Wednesday in the July issue of the Association of American Medical Colleges' Academic Medicine journal, experts are calling for a reform of the traditional senior year medical curriculum. The report -- which was co-authored by six medical school professors, five of whom are from the University of California at San Francisco -- argues that medical curricula often fail to fully utilize the fourth year of medical school, succumbing instead to what some might call "senioritis." With students interviewing for residency programs throughout the year and senior grades usually not a factor in residency applications, many claim that students lose the self-motivation that makes their first three years successful. Moreover, medical students are often close to being done with their core requirements.
From The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching - News You Can Use
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Survey: ePortfolio use in Accreditation
I continue to collect information on ePortfolio use in Accreditation.
If you could take a few minutes to complete a survey, it would be much appreciated.
The short version: http://www.surveygizmo.com/s/146490/eportfolios-and-use-in-accreditation-short-version- (six questions)
More detailed version: http://www.surveygizmo.com/s/146449/eportfolios-and-use-in-accreditation (12 questions)
Thank you!
(Survey results will be posted when organized.)
Kathleen Willbanks
CSU Center for Distributed Learning
(707) 664 2021
Follow me on Twitter: KW_ePortfolios
Conference: The International Conference on the Potential of ePortfolios in Higher Education
University of Economics and Business
Vienna, Austria
The International Conference on the Potential of ePortfolios in Higher Education focuses on strategies for E-Portfolio implementations at Universities and its implications for Lifelong Learning. On occasion of the results of two national research projects on E-Portfolio implementations at Universities funded by the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research, the conference puts the following issues into the center of discussion: Implementation models and case studies, international experiences, data security and protection, the acknowledgement of prior learning, didactic implications and interoperability of software systems. The conference is directed towards decision and policy makers at university and governmental levels, academic teachers, trainers and tutors as well as the scientific community.
JISCmail list for UK Mahara e-portfolio news
Mahara is an open source e-portfolio system.
To join the list, follow the link http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/mahara-uk
and then click on the 'Join or leave'
From the Midlands Eportfolio Group listserv
Saturday, June 20, 2009
ePortfolio Workshop at Stanford, 8/10-8/12: Early Bird discounts extended
If you're thinking about the above questions (and more), please consider joining us at Stanford University this August 10-12, 2009 for USING ePORTFOLIOS FOR TEACHING, LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT at http://wallenberg.stanford.edu/wsi/eportfolios.html.
In this three day institute, participants will have the opportunity to actively explore how ePortfolios and Folio Thinking can support integrative (deep) learning and demonstrate learning outcomes. Through interactive discussions and activities, participants will be engaged with a range of ePortfolio case studies that highlight best practices in supporting integrative learning, methods for evaluating ePortfolio work, and strategies for successful ePortfolio adoption and implementation.
A unique outcome of this workshop will be a personal ePortfolio built by the individual/team that can subsequently be shared with colleagues and students to visibly document and model the value of what was learned. The program will also include time for project planning as well as individual consulting with each of the instructors.
Instructors: Helen L. Chen, Stanford Center for Innovations in Learning and Wallenberg Hall; John Ittelson, K-20 California Education Technology Collaborative and CSU Monterey Bay; Tracy Penny-Light, St. Jerome’s University, Canada
Fees: Until June 30, 2009: Individual enrollment: $995.00 USD per person; Team enrollment (3 or more persons): $895.00 USD per person
Please feel free to contact Dr. Helen Chen, Course Director, for more information.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Conference program: ePortfolio 2009, London, 22-24, June 2009
Innovation, Creativity and Accountability
Learning Forum London, 22-24 June 2009
This looks like a fantastic program with a diversity of topics and speakers.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Blog: e-Portfolios and Learning
Article: Studies Explore Whether the Internet Makes Students Better Writers (6/15/09)
The Chronicle for Higher Education
June 15, 2009
As a student at Stanford University, Mark Otuteye wrote in any medium he could find. He wrote blog posts, slam poetry, to-do lists, teaching guides, e-mail and Facebook messages, diary entries, short stories. He wrote a poem in computer code, and he wrote a computer program that helped him catalog all the things he had written. But Mr. Otuteye hated writing academic papers. Although he had vague dreams of becoming an English professor, he saw academic writing as a "soulless exercise" that felt like "jumping through hoops." When given a writing assignment in class, he says, he would usually adopt a personal tone and more or less ignore the prompt. "I got away with it," says Mr. Otuteye, who graduated from Stanford in 2006. "Most of the time." The rise of online media has helped raise a new generation of college students who write far more, and in more-diverse forms, than their predecessors did. But the implications of the shift are hotly debated, both for the future of students' writing and for the college curriculum.
From The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Call for proposals: E-Learn 2009
October 26-30, 2009 * Vancouver, BC Canada
** Submission Deadline: September 8, 2009 **
1. Submission Information, Deadline Sept. 8:
- Call for Presentations: http://www.aace.org/conf/elearn/call.htm
- Submission Guide: http://www.aace.org/conf/elearn/submitguide.htm
- Presenter Guide: http://www.aace.org/conf/elearn/PresenterLounge
3. Presentation Categories: http://www.aace.org/conf/elearn/categories.htm
4. Products/Services Showcases & Presentations: http://www.aace.org/conf/elearn/corporate.htm
5. Proceedings & Paper Awards: http://www.aace.org/pubs
6. For Budgeting Purposes: http://www.aace.org/conf/elearn/rates.htm
7. Vancouver. Canada: http://www.aace.org/conf/cities/vancouver.htm
8. Deadlines: http://www.aace.org/conf/elearn/deadlines.htm
Event: Competences for learning, assessment and portfolio, 7/1/09, Manchester, UK
Location: Manchester Metropolitan University Business School Room 301
Please register on the CETIS Events system
http://wiki.cetis.ac.uk/Competences_2009-07-01From the Midlands ePortfolios Group listserv
Event: e-Portfolios in the supprt of learning, 7/1/09, Nottingham, UK
What: e-Portfolios in the support of learning - Launch event of the e-Portfolios special interest group
When: Wednesday 1st July, 10am-3.15pm
Where: EMFEC, Robins Wood House, Aspley, Nottingham
Further details can be found below:
- http://www.e-assessmentgroup.net/proposal_for_e-portfolio_sig_v4.pdf
- http://www.e-assessmentgroup.net/nottingham_09_flier_final_draft-updated.pdf
Podcasts with Rob Ward and Sandra Winfield
Rob Ward is Director of the Centre for Recording Learning Achievement. He talks about progressions routes and e-Portfolios in this interview.
Sandra Winfield is project manager at the Centre for International e-Portfolio Development at Nottingham University. She talks about the use of e-Portfolios to support work based learners."
Find the above two and other more general e-learing ones @ URL :
From Kev Brace, Midlands ePortfolio Group listserv
The First Year at LaGuardia Community College
Volume 12(2), Spring 2009
The First Year at LaGuardia Community College
By Paul Arcario
Report: Investigating the Application of Social Software to Support Networked Learning
Investigating the Application of Social Software to Support Networked Learning (.pdf at http://eprints.qut.edu.au/18476/1/c18476.pdf) suggests that "university students need to learn new network and software literacies to become digital citizens". In addition to being literate (and therefore be able to participate in the consequential conversations occurring through, or mediated by, technology), authors state students spend surprisingly limited time in socialization (p. 17).
As background, Vincent Tinto has produced a model that promotes academic and social integration as key requirements to student retention. Students who feel connected to each other an the institution are less likely to drop out. I'm not familiar with studies to date that have looked at social networking services as a resource for reducing attrition...but it's a worthwhile concept to explore... Later in the report, the authors share a view that innovators on many campuses likely hold: "Centralised ICT Services departments have proved a barrier to the exploration of innovative emerging online technologies and services being explored in this project."
Sunday, June 14, 2009
From Adobe: Using ePortfolios to Demonstrate Growth and Assess Learning
Using ePortfolios to Demonstrate Growth and Assess Learning
The evolving nature of work and the economy in the 21st century requires that students gain a new set of skills, including critical thinking, innovation, and creativity to be successful. Authentic and problem-based learning strategies are becoming more widely used across education, and methods for gauging progress and achievement are also evolving. ePortfolios are an important response to trends changing the nature of learning which allow learners to demonstrate learning through multiple formats including digital media. Join Alan Foley, Associate Professor, Syracuse University as he reviews the use of ePortfolios to gauge student progress, achievement, and development.
Friday, June 12, 2009
AAC&U Conference: Integrative Learning: Addressing the Complexities
Integrative Learning: Addressing the Complexities
Network for Academic Renewal Conference
October 22-24, 2009
Atlanta, Georgia
Conference website and registration information: http://www.aacu.org/meetings/integrative_learning/index.cfm
Integrative Learning: Addressing the Complexities will focus on four major themes:
1. Purposes. What are the hallmarks of integrative learning? What are the aims and purposes of integrative learning programs? How can integrating and applying their learning help students move past fragmentation and develop a sense of motivation and purpose in the world?
2. Designs. What kinds of curricular, co-curricular, community-based, and pedagogical designs help to foster integrative learning?
3. Reality Check. What kinds of institutional supports and incentives facilitate more integrative learning opportunities?
4. Assessment. How are campuses documenting and deepening students’ integrative learning through assessment?
Saturday Plenary, October 24, 2009
Supporting Integrative and Lifelong Learning through Authentic Assessment, Teaching, and E-portfolio Development
AAC&U’s VALUE project (Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education) seeks to contribute to the national dialogue on assessment of student learning. It builds on a philosophy of learning assessment that privileges multiple expert judgments of the quality of student work. Three members of leadership campuses from the VALUE project will discuss interpretations of integrative learning and examine broad issues that are likely to emerge when faculty and their institutions begin to take up the teaching, learning, and assessment of integrative learning.
Marcia Mentkowsi, Professor of Psychology and Director, Educational Research and Evaluation, Alverno College; Melissa Peet, Research Associate, University of Michigan; and Julia Williams, Professor of English and Executive Director, Institutional Research, Planning and Assessment, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Submit Proposals for 2010 AAC&U Annual Meeting
AAC&U invites you and your colleagues to submit a proposal for our 2010 Annual Meeting: “The Wit, the Will . . . and the Wallet: Supporting Educational Innovation, Shaping Our Global Future.” Efforts to sustain creative innovation and address the future of liberal learning in a context of dramatic change are evident within all sectors of the higher education community. We invite you to share your best efforts to translate educational vision into concrete practices. Proposals can be submitted online through July 20, 2009. Please see the online call for proposals for complete information at http://www.aacu.org/meetings/annualmeeting/AM10/cfp.cfm.
(from AAC&U's News and Events, http://www.aacu.org/aacu_news/AACUNews09/June09/news_events.cfm?utm_source=news&utm_medium=blast&utm_campaign=NewsJune09#AM)
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Australian ePortfolio Project
Researching ePortfolios in education, employment and community
Monday, June 8, 2009
AAEEBL Meeting, June 17, 2009 in RI
splendid event. Anyone nearby is welcome to join us for the AAEEBL session.
(From Trent Batson, The Association of Authentic, Experimental and Evidence-Based Learning, http://www.aaeebl.org/)
Save the Date: AAEEBL ePortfolio conference
(From Trent Batson, The Association of Authentic, Experimental and Evidence-Based Learning, http://www.aaeebl.org/)
Washington Post: Alternative Testing on the Rise (6/8/09)
Washington Post
June 8, 2009
Portfolios have long been used for in-depth evaluations because they can gauge more skills and higher-order thinking. Many educators say the year-long portfolios are a fairer way to measure what some students know, but pass rates for portfolio tests are relatively high, which helps educators meet academic benchmarks but raises questions about the tests' value in rating schools. Portfolios also are expensive, not to mention thousands of teacher hours spent compiling them. This article is in The Washington Post.
(From The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching)
National Educational Computing Conference 2009
June 28-July 1, 2009
Washington, DC
Seven ePortfolio related sessions can be found by searching the program here: http://center.uoregon.edu/ISTE/NECC2009/program/search.php
1) ePortfolios 2.0: Web 2.0 tools to Improve/Showcase Student Technology Literacy
[Formal Session: Lecture]
Helen Barrett, electronicportfolios.org
Wednesday, 7/1/2009, 12:00pm–1:00pm WWCC 103 B
Learn how to implement free interactive Web 2.0 tools to facilitate classroom-based assessment of student technology literacy, including the advantages and disadvantages of blogs, wikis, and Google Apps.
2) The Dynamic Nature of ePortfolio Requirements and Processes
[Formal Session: Panel]
Linda Mensing-Triplett, Lesley University with Arlene Borthwick, Ann Cunningham, Davina Pruitt-Mentle and Laura Turner
Tuesday, 6/30/2009, 3:30pm–4:30pm WWCC 158
This panel discussion on the use of ePortfolios in schools examines implementation processes and challenges and the use of eportfolios for program evaluation purposes. Recommended by ISTE's SIGTE
3) Developing and Managing an Effective Internship Experience in a Distance Education Program
[Informal Session: Poster]
Kristen Winter, Johns Hopkins University with Francesca Carpenter and Lauren Owen
Tuesday, 6/30/2009, 10:00am–12:00pm WWCC East Registration Lobby, Table: 3
Discover technology tools and techniques to structure an internship at a distance. Overcome challenges of working with site-based mentors, assessing learning, integrating eportfolios, and promoting self-evaluation and reflection
4) ePortfolios for Students & Staff Using Free Web 2.0 Tools
[Informal Session: Poster]
Scott Floyd, White Oak Independent School District
Monday, 6/29/2009, 11:00am–1:00pm WWCC East Registration Lobby, Table: 6
Meet representatives from one Texas district who will share exactly how they met a changing landscape for students and staff while garnering welcome attention. Recommended by ISTE's SIGTEL
5) ePortfolios: Painless Implementation in the K-12 Space
[Informal Session: Poster]
Clarke Stevenson, EdCube Pty Ltd. with Michael Giulieri
Monday, 6/29/2009, 11:00am–1:00pm WWCC East Registration Lobby, Table: 2
More than 10 years of research, development, and trial and error culminated in a roadmap for success. (contains Commercial Content)
6) The Utility of E-Portfolios in Teacher Education
[Research Paper: Discussion]
Michele Parker, UNC Wilmington with Abdou Ndoye and Albert Ritzhaupt
Monday, 6/29/2009, 11:00am–12:00pm WWCC 159, Table: 4
This study will validate the Electronic Portfolio Student Perspective Instrument using a different population. Implications for preservice teachers will be discussed.
7) SAF140 Web 2.0 Tools for Classroom-Based Assessment and Interactive Student ePortfolios
[Workshop: Hands-on]
Helen Barrett, electronicportfolios.org
Saturday, 6/27/2009, 8:30am–3:30pm WWCC 150 B
Web 2.0 tools facilitate interaction and feedback. Evaluate free online tools to create interactive ePortfolios that support formative assessment, focusing on academic standards and the NETS*S.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Competencies in Medical Education - Are ePortfolios not far behind?
Inside Higher Ed
June 5, 2009
The American Association of Medical Colleges, in collaboration with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, on Thursday released a report aimed at defining scientific competencies for doctors. The paper, "Scientific Foundations for Future Physicians," identifies eight competencies in the medical school curriculum and eight in pre-med programs that all students should master on their way to becoming doctors.
This clearly follows the trend we're seeing in higher education towards outcomes-based assessment. The article mentions both Alverno College (one of the earliest institutions to implement ePortfolios) and the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) which is already developing a learning portfolio tool for residents.